
Khim Joe
Permaculture Landscape
Sensory Gardening is an empowerment programme aimed to break limitations and grow new possibilities for the visually impaired. Created by Plus Community Partnership and collaborating with Malaysian Association for the Blind and Children of Soil, the joy of gardening is introduced through the sense of smell, touch, hearing and taste.
The Sensory Gardening programme is open for sponsorships and is wonderfully accessible for all organisations to participate. Each sponsorship enables more visually impaired participants to learn the art of growing an edible garden.
One small plot at a time, this sustainable effort is making its mark as a first in Malaysia.

Smell. Touch. Hear. Taste.
Let's grow!
20 April Building healthy soil Introduction to soil
4 May Building healthy soil Composting methods
18 May Moon gardening Follow the cycles of Moon
1 June Know your plants Identification by senses
8 June Know your plants Propagation
29 June Communicating with plants Needs and diseases
13 July Biodiversity in the garden Pests and insects