What's good for your business
can be good for our community

Monica Chen
A creative writer and strategic thinker, Monica has been in the advertising industry for over 22 years. She has a passion for story telling across all media, and she builds brands using insights that come from a deep understanding of Malaysian needs and culture. Monica is keen on expanding the social responsibilities of corporate citizens, and her immediate interest is in sustainable springboards that not only grow businesses but help businesses empower communities.

Ken Goh
In his 22 years as a strategic art director and graphic designer, Ken’s advertising experience spans across diverse disciplines and brands.
His concepts are versatile, relevant, and at times experimental, to give different brands their own style and personality. In early 2017, Ken realised his calling to do more with Art – hence, his belief in collaborating with different artists to champion the Arts as a voice for brand building while giving back to the community through sustainable ways.